This blog post is about adapting a text in my own classroom. I am not teaching now but I have taught classes which were filled with mixed ability students. Below are my thoughts on adapting this text in mixed ability classroom. I would pair the weaker student with a strong one. For strong students, I would ask them to think of a new vocabulary that can be used in the text and can ask them to rewrite the sentences, or a part of the text differently. It would be a good idea if they can write a response from Simon's side. They can be asked to make additions to the text. For weaker students, I would discuss the vocabulary with them in the beginning. I would give them extra time to discuss and grasp. I will try not to over correct them just to maintain their confidence level and demand a higher level of accuracy from the stronger ones.
I think this text is suitable for LINC level 4 class, however, if it is mature students, I would think of changing the context, as the email exchange is between friends, I could make it between a parent and a child to make it more relevant. The second option can be to make it about employment. The can ask about his new job, or their experience at the new place as doing this will make it more relevant for them.
To accommodate a group of international students in an EAP setting, I would try to use more formal English and remove some informal vocabulary. I would try to add the complex sentence structure and increase the length of the text.
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