Friday, November 2, 2018

Vocabulary activity- Task Based lesson Plan- TESL 0130 Unit 3

In this Vocabulary activity, students have to match each food ingredient with a characteristic. 

-I would pair up the students or they can work in the groups of 3-4 as well depending upon the number of the students.
-Ask them to figure out which food ingredient represents a particular characteristic/feature.
-I would let them use the computers or mobile phones as well if they want to search the information.
- After they figure out the answers, I would ask them to compare the answers with other groups.
- In the end, I would ask them to keep the sheets away. Then, I would read out one characteristic and students will give me the corresponding food ingredient. I would repeat it 2-3 times to make sure that they remember it.
Vocabulary Activity

I have also created a Vocabulary test on quizlet. Vocabulary Test

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