Wednesday, July 10, 2019

TESL 0170: Teaching Reflection: Lesson 1

Today was my first lesson and I taught vocabulary skill and Listening skill and I covered one listening chapter. Everything went well and according to the plan. I was able to cover the content in time. Initially, I felt a bit nervous but after half time, when I received the feedback from the class instructor, I got confident. Class Instructor gave feedback that I made good use of the board. My speaking volume and speed were perfect, not too slow or too fast and loud enough. He also liked that I was picking the students who were a bit shy in responding or who were participating less. One suggestion he gave me was that when one student is making a suggestion or sharing his opinion, we need to make sure that students listen to him rather than us rephrasing every time. So, it is important that we bring the other student's attention towards the student who is sharing his opinion. It can be done by asking other students whether they agree or disagree. 

The practicum supervisor also had positive feedback that I did a good job and I was well organized. She suggested that there should be more of a group or peer work in the class rather than them working individually. I felt that students were also comfortable and were asking questions.

Overall, it was a very good experience and I am looking forward to improve in the next lessons.

Here is the link to lesson plan 1: 

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