Saturday, September 29, 2018

Needs Assessment: #TESL 0100

I found a Survey questionnaire in Needs assessment and learner Self-evaluation and particularly, I like the questionnaire on page II-10. The students will be given out the questionnaire to complete. 
This activity is to identify the reason why they are in the class and their level of English. I like this activity as it helps the teacher in identifying the “why” that brought the student to the classroom and provides a better understanding of students’ needs.

After completing the questionnaire, the students can be asked to walk around the classroom questioning each other on why they’re learning English. Another idea for this can be giving them cards or a sheet with different reasons listed on it and then ask the class whether they’re familiar with the reason listed on the sheet. The reasons can be for study, for travel, for business, for job etcetera. They can be given the option to add other reasons as well. 

The teacher can explain if any student is unable to understand any reason listed.

This activity is best with intermediate to advanced students but can be used for beginners as well. 

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