Saturday, September 29, 2018

Pronunciation Corrective Feedback

TESL 0120

Hey Tina, in your speaking, I found that you dropped /l/ in the middle of words such as "help" a few times. Did you realize that?
Tina: No, I did not.
Teacher: can you say the word "help" for me, please?
Tina: "hep"(again misses the sound /l/)
Teacher:: Did you realize it now?
Tina: yes.
Teacher: Okay, so now we will focus on learning this sound and learn it.
Tina: Okay.
Teacher: /l/ is pronounced with a large flap of the tongue. bend your tongue as far back as you can in your mouth and flick it forward as you say /l/. look at me when I say "help". You see it?
Tina: Yes.
Teacher: Good! Now, we will try some words with the /l/ sound. Repeat each word after me. Lap.
Tina: Lap
Teacher: Play
Tina: Play
Teacher: You are doing great! Alive.
Tina: Alive.
Teacher: Love.
Tina: Love.
Teacher: Loyal.
Tina: Loyal.
Teacher: Excellent! Let's try one tongue twister. Lad Larry loves lyres.
Tina: Lad Larry loves lyres
Teacher: say it once again.
Tina: Lad Larry loves lyres
Teacher: Perfect Tina! You can practice some words at home as well from this list. Here is it.
Tina: Thank You.

List of the words:
1. alive                
3.light                           4.long
5.lake                            6.lamp
7.lap                             8.late
9.lather                         10.lay
11.lead                         12.lot


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