Friday, September 28, 2018

TESL 0100 Unit 1 Reflections

The first week of TESL course brought many challenges in front of me about which I was not aware of. I took up this course to achieve my goal of being an ESL teacher, I knew that it is an online course and it will involve technology but after looking at the course materials, I got a bit scared. However, with the help of my classmates and after searching a bit, I managed to create About me page, my Blog and Twitter account.
The first unit in this course “Who I Am & Who I Want to Become” made me think about myself and my goals. I introduced myself on the Forum and wrote about myself on the blog. I also created my PLN and got to expand it after looking at my classmates PLN. I also posted about my most memorable teacher and read about other’s posts on the topic which helped me learn the qualities that a good teacher should have.

Chapter 1 of Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy included a classroom observation of a well planned and executed lesson about student’s preferences, likes and dislikes in regards to “movies and entertainment”. I learned that a teacher has to make a lot of choices in the class while delivering a planned lesson and these choices decide the flow of a lesson and are learned through experience.

Chapter 8: Cultural and Socio-political Aspects of Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy reflected upon the relationship between language and culture. I agree that non-native English-speaking teachers get an additional advantage as they themselves have gone through the process of learning this language, it helps them to relate with learner’s difficulties and gives them the ability to simplify a target language.

My “aha” moment during this unit was when I read the introductions of my classmates. I learned about people from different backgrounds, with different experience who have so much passion for teaching which got me excited and gave me the courage to move ahead with this course.


H. Brown, H. L. (2015). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. White Plains, NY: Pearson Education, Inc. .

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