Saturday, October 13, 2018

TESL 0100 Unit 3 Reflection

(Source: )

Unit 3 proved to be an eye-opener for me as I realized that there is still so much that I need to learn. while completing the assigned reading  Bolitho & Tomlinson (2005), I was unable to find the answer to every question while testing my English, and it was surprising for me. I could not imagine myself teaching a language without familiarity with the grammar of that language. 

I wonder that What happens when a student asks me a question about grammar and I can't answer it. When the instructor comes armed with the rules of grammar, students feel relaxed because they know that they will learn the information from a trusted resource but once the teacher starts making language errors, students will ask questions and feel unconfident because they don’t have a resource to go back to.

I feel teachers should have an in-depth knowledge about the English grammar because grammar is considered the heart of the language. We should build the learner’s language awareness through exposure to the language through different tenses, moreover detailed explanation about the use of each tense.  Being proficient and confident in your language would mean a great deal to your students and to yourself as an instructor of the language whether you are teaching children or even adults. 

This unit also looked into key components of Communicative Language Ability that is a person's ability to create and understand sentences they have never heard before. It comprises, a set of specific knowledge components that are utilized in communication via language.

Finally, I developed an action plan for myself and I am working on discovering my areas of need and ways to improve it.

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