Saturday, February 9, 2019

TESL 0140: Unit 4: Self Evaluation

Writing a Self-evaluation
(Source:  )
My updated learning Plan:   Goals

This is my fourth TESL course and I can not believe that it has come to an end. In unit 1 of this course, we were asked to set the learning goals. I also set the goals for this course and now, in unit 4, we are asked to reflect on the goals. I think that overall, I achieved my goals. I learned a lot during this course and it has been an invaluable journey.

As per my goal, I learned the different assessment and evaluation methods and their use in different contexts. To be honest, before starting this course, assessment and evaluation meant the same for me but now, I know that both serve different purposes. Assessment is to measure the student learning and evaluation gives the judgment on whether the goals are achieved. I also learned that formative assessment is for making improvements in the learning so it is conducted during the course and whereas summative assessment is at the end to look at the student accomplishments. I also learned to distinguish in assessing the productive and receptive tasks and four approaches which are validity, reliability, authenticity, and washback, very important for these assessments and things to consider when developing an assessment.

To accomplish my goals, I initially decided to spend an hour everyday but things always do not go as planned. Some of the days, I could not study so ended up spending more hours during my off days from work. I learned a lot from the assigned readings and conducted additional research on the internet to expand my understanding. I also participated in the class discussions and read the classmate's posts which really helped me a lot to achieve my goal. I plan to reach out to the ESL teachers and discuss assessment and evaluation with them, which I have not dome till now. I think that will strengthen my knowledge. Following is the assessment rubric that I created for self-evaluation and resources that I found useful during this course.

Assessment Rubric:

Achieved all the goals completely with the
help of assigned readings, active participation
in discussions, activities and quizzes, found
other resources to strengthen the learning,
devoted time regularly

Score (3)
Achieved most of the goals with the help of
assigned readings, discussions, activities and
quizzes, found other resources to strengthen
the learning devoted the required time

Score (1-2)
Could not achieve most of the goals, difficulty
to do assigned work did not actively
participated in discussions, lack of time

Useful Resources:

AMLE: Formative and Summative Assessments in the Classroom

Bow Valley College: Instructor Tools for PBLA

West Virginia Department of Education: Examples of Formative Assessment

ESL Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association: Understanding ESL Learners: Assessment  

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