Saturday, February 16, 2019

TESL 0150: Unit 1 Reflection

(Source: )

Unit 1 was about developing materials and copyright. I found this unit very interesting as
I did not have any clear understanding of copyright and licensing. I learned a great deal of information from the assigned readings.

It really helped me to understand the concepts of copyright, public domain, fair use and open licensing.

Copyright is applied to any creative work, so when a created work is created, it is automatically copyrighted without going through any legal process. However, in order to protect the work from infringement, the author can choose to register the copyright. Nobody can use the copyrighted material without getting the permission of the copyright holder. I also learned that copyright ends 70 years after the death of the author and then the content goes into the public domain.

Fair use allows people to use the copyrighted material but under certain principles which are: Nature of use, type of work, the amount used and commercial impact. If the answer to these questions allows the material to be used, then it is considered as fair use.

Public domain means that the material can be used anywhere and in any way without any restrictions. The work goes into the public domain if the copyright is expired if the author releases it in public domain and the work which is not copyrighted or created under certain conditions.

Open licensing allows the authors to share their work openly while maintaining control over what others can do with it. There are different licenses in this category such as creative commons, general public license and MIT license.

In this unit, we were also asked to determine whether we would like to consider our work under public domain or creative commons. Now, after understanding the differences in two, I would like to copyright my work under creative commons Attribution (CC BY) under which Others may reuse, redistribute, revise, and remix the creation as long as they cite me.


Kimmons, R. "Copyright and Open Licensing." K-12 Technology Integration.
Kimmons, R. (2016, May 11). Copyright Basics for Teachers [Video File].

Watch Now UK (Producer). (2012, May 9). Creative Commons & Copyright Info [Video File]

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